And what do they mean…?
Registration badge:
For completing you profile and filling out all the required fields.
Logging in badge:
For becoming a member and for having being online 1 time.
Add to favorites badge:
For searching and adding a member to your favorites.
Mailing badge:
For inviting someone to join Filipina. By sender them an Email.
Contact Us badge:
For contacting the customer service.
Friendship badge:
For contacting a member or adding a friend. So you get this flag for starting your quest.
Update badge:
For writing, blogging or sending a message or posting something on your profile.
Ended friendship badge:
For NOT completing you profile and filling out all the required fields, within 2 weeks or because you haven’t been online for 1 week or you have ended a friendship.
Publishing badge:
For adding pictures to your profile, learning how to manage your profile and creating new Albums.
Explore badge:
For viewing a members profile, pages and for being an active member.
Message badge:
For sending a message or using the live chat.
Members Medal:
For being a member for 3 month and for being a trusted and active member.
These badges will be given automatically and some times manually. Sometimes we overlook an achievement. If that is the case, then please Contact Us and we will reward one!
This feature is actually just for fun. 🙂 But we hope that you appreciate this little gesture. What is live without some fun and games…